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“From Separate to Equal” Response
a) One cannot have an intellectually honest conversation on the history of healthcare in America without discussing the treatment of black Americans. To this day, black people are skeptical of medical professionals due to the way that their ancestors were treated. A space had to be made specifically for non-white doctors, nurses, and patients. The concentration on Kansas City specifically really added relevance to the documentary as it pertains to the Institute. Segregation was heavily enforced there, yet the black hospital in the city had to serve white patients as well. I felt an overwhelming sense of pride in the accomplishments of those who came before me. I have heard about atrocities doctors have committed to enslaved people, but I was able to learn so much more about the industry post-slavery.
b) The attitude of intolerance stood out most to me, specifically with the General hospital #2 when the black interns were said to “fail” a test but when re-graded (without race disclosed) they all passed. It is extremely difficult to thrive in a system where all cards are stacked against you. However, it was interesting how a speaker cited segregation as the reason why African Americans were able to strive for greatness in the medical industry. It was said that segregation caused black people to strive for higher positions rather than simply remain content with positions white corporations allowed them to have. I was not, however, surprised by the positivity exhibited by the black doctors of the time despite hardship.