    Post count: 4

    Written response #2:

    (e) How do the stories and research that supported slavery mentioned in The 1619 Project tie to health related issues for African-Americans today? Do you think matters of wealth, income, land ownership and access to credit play a role in healthy/unhealthy communities? What advantage/disadvantage do payday cash stores play in today’s society?

    This response parallels my previous response in the sense that both will be examining systemic racism factors of influence that contribute/have a relationship with African-Americans health related issues today. The stories and research that supported slavery as accounted in The 1619 Project, have a direct correlation to health related issues in the Black community today. On a psychological level, the treatment during enslavement is enough for the body to internalize, embody, and genderationaly transfer. This phenomenon is known as epigenetics, or the passing of trauma. This imprint begins when a child is conceived, is modeled through their environment (socialization), and is underscored when they are introduced to society. Hence the neglected mental health issue that is ever so present in our community today. It’s a very interesting concept actually because for Black people in particular epigenetic appears as an imprint reaching back as far as enslavement. Meaning that trauma still lives in us. All the horided and inconceivable heinous acts have been passed down through our DNA. Also, it is important to note that mental and physical health related issues have a strong tie to one another. Meaning depression and diabetes aren’t too far from one another when it comes to their origins. I completely agree that wealth, income, land ownership and access to credit play a role in healthy vs unhealthy communities. Being established and living the ‘American Dream’ is the optimany of success in this country. For those living it matters of finance and health (access and condition) or less likely to be a factor in their everyday lives. For the have nots, the constant reminder of the unachievable “American Dream” can be daunting itself. Let alone the intersectionality of financial responsibility and personal health (both mental and physical) makes life even more difficult. The 1619 Project also premiered the residuals of financial fallacies and disadvantages. Modern day payday cash stores can be found by the church and liquor store down the street. They are strategically placed in our communities to appear as handouts. However, I can not stress enough the capital gain in which the loans provide these businesses. “Making the richer richer and the poor poorer.” Payday cash stores enforce debt due to their extremely high interest rates. For a single parent in today’s society living paycheck to paycheck the large font and inviting colors of the establishment may look inviting however, this is an example of wealthy people preying on the desperate. Back to my point on the structure of systemic racism, it is not by coincidence that you would not find payday cash stores in the suburbs. This is due to their access to knowledge around finance that the African-American community does not receive.