BHLI Alumnus Denzil Ross was recently appointed Chief Operating Officer of Lovelace Medical Center and Administrator of the Heart Hospital of New Mexico at Lovelace Medical Center
Ross was mentored by BHLI President John W. Bluford when he served at Truman Medical Centers in Kansas City, MO during Bluford’s tenure as President and CEO. Ross was exposed to healthcare operations and gained hands-on experience in healthcare administration. Since then Ross has held several leadership roles within health systems including Chief Operating Officer and Ethics and Compliance Officer at Metropolitan Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, TX before joining the Lovelace team.
Lovelace Medical Center is comprised of Lovelace Medical Center, Heart Hospital of New Mexico at Lovelace Medical Center, New Mexico Heart Institute, Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital, Lovelace Women’s Hospital, Lovelace Westside Hospital, Lovelace Regional Hospital and Lovelace Medical Group/Southwest Medical Associates.